Monday, November 12, 2007

Last Week Already!

I can't believe this is the last week of field! I have had such a good time I can hardly stand to leave my students. I have learned so much about myself and my future teaching style. For our final week we are filming the class production of Miss Wicked and Apyrl, yes our very Apryl in our class will be the teacher who leaves her class to the substitute teacher Miss Wicked. This week will be full of fun for us as we help them film! I hope you all have had a great time getting to know your strengths and weakness as a teacher. I look forward to seeing you all very soon! Have fun this week see you next Monday!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Teaching is... AWESOME!!

This week is our week to teach. The students have been so good and so interested! I can’t believe how intently they listened and asked questions. When I showed them my power point on the art of ancient Egypt they couldn’t get enough. We have had such a great experience so far. I was nervous to teach on Monday, but once I stood up there the nerves settled and all was well! Today we made our papyrus… yeah a little crazy! The students loved it and learned from the experience so I guess that’s all that matters. On Friday we have a substitute and our teacher has asked us to prepare a longer lesson to take up the morning, so Apryl and I are planning extra. I actually really like planning and watching the students get excited about learning. I hope everyone has had a good time and is learning lots like I am!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

One week gone already!?

Well a week of field has come and gone. I can’t believe how fast it went. Halloween was fun and crazy at the same time. We walked in the school parade with our students and had a party afterwards. I have learned that you lose a complete day when it’s Halloween; our students didn’t want to do anything! I start teaching this week… I’m actually looking forward to it, crazy I know! Well I’ll let you know how it goes this week!